Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today I am going to talk to you about your camera. When you're taking a great picture, most people assume that you need a really big, expensive camera. But that isn't true. You can take just as fabulous pictures on you phone, (whether it is a smart phone or not doesn't matter) a throwaway camera you bought a walmart, or a professional SLR camera. You just have to know how to use them.

Most people who buy a new camera don't take the time to figure out all of the extras on it. That doesn't mean that they won't have great pictures, but finding out what all of the "extra buttons" do will help out your pictures immensely.

My advice to you would be, find out all of the great thing that your camera does. You can read through your camera's manuel (if they don't have one you can always search through the internet for it) Another great way to find out how to use you camera is to find other people who own the same camera as you. They probably know something new about the camera, and you might have some advice to give to them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Light painting

Light painting
I am in 4-H photography, and last year at one of our meetings, the photography leader showed us a cool trick to use for a awesome looking picture. It is called light painting. Using only your camera, a flashlight, and a room that you can get to be almost completely dark, you can create a work of art. I have posted a video below that demonstrates how you can create your own light paintings.

 I would really recommend trying this because it is a lot of fun, and provides an interesting look to an ordinary photo.

Use of lighting

Use of lighting
When you are taking a photo you need to be aware of your use of lighting. To make a picture look good you need to be aware of where your light is coming from, and whether it is helping or hurting your photo. A good photo uses lighting to help it look more real.

There are two kinds of lighting, natural and man-made. Natural lighting is when you use things like the sun, and moon to light your picture. Natural lighting is good when you are shooting outside. If natural light is not enough or you are in a place where you have almost no natural lighting, you can use man-made lighting. Man-made lighting is using flashlights, studio lights, lightbulbs, or even your camera's flash to light your picture. Man-made lighting is great when you are in a dark or poorly lit room. Nether one is better than the other, you just have to look at which one will help you photo the most.

 In this photo, I used the flash from my camera (man-made lighting) to light the subject. This is a picture of a combine header.

On this picture I placed my subject at a place where the sun (natural lighting) would highlight certain features of her face. While at the same time, the shade from the trees above create a shadow.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds
In photography to shoot a great picture, you have to think about what you are shooting and how you want the finished product to look. When you look at professional photographs you might have noticed that most of the time, the focus of the photo is not centered. Most of the time it is off to the side a bit. What the photographer is using is called the rule of thirds. 

A good way to think of the rule of thirds is to pretend that their is a tic-tac-toe board on top of your picture. Wether you know it or not, when you look at a picture, you eye is drawn to the places where the lines intersect. This is where you want to position you subject. It will make you photo look more interesting and appealing.

In this first picture, you can see how I positioned the flowers using the rule of thirds. Your eye is naturally drawn to the flowers.

In this picture, the rooster's head is placed so that it is where two lines of the imaginary tic-tac-toe board would cross.